4B 12-step Eucharist June 5, 2024, Mark 2:23-3:6, Plucking and Eating Grain on the Sabbath, Healing on the Sabbath
This past Sunday's Gospel comes from a section of Mark's Gospel where Mark gathers a group of stories establishing Jesus' authority—authority to forgive sins (2:1-12), to call a tax collector and eat scandalously with sinners and tax collectors (2:13-17), to permit his disciples not to fast (2:18-22) and tonight, the authority to pluck grain and eat on the Sabbath (2:23-28) and heal on the Sabbath (3:1-6). 1
Many devout Jews found the Torah Sabbath laws too vague and confusing. By Jesus's time, there was a vast body of scribal interpretation that was codified into the Mishnah.
Some Jewish religious leaders interpreted the Mishnah (rabbinic interpretation of the Torah) almost as authoritative as the Torah, the Law of Moses.
Yet we suspect more is happening here in this argument than simply a debate over obeying the law. By saying, "The Sabbath was made for humanity, not humanity for the Sabbath" (v. 27), Jesus indicates that the Sabbath is not an end in itself. The Sabbath is a gift from God for the welfare of the people, not for burdensome restrictions. By not working on the Sabbath, we honor God and remember our identity as God's people, but we also have a day of rest with our families. In Deuteronomy, sabbath is also described as a sign of liberation. Taking a sabbath rest is proof that we are no longer enslaved and forced to work without rest (Deut. 5:12-15).
God gave us the laws to guide us, give us boundaries, and help us become our best selves, but we should not worship the laws. The laws are a gift to us, but they are not God. The spirit of the law should always be love.2 //
Jesus enters the synagogue and meets a man whose hand is withered. "They watched him, whether he would heal him on the Sabbath day, that they might accuse him" (v. 2). "They" undoubtedly refers to the Pharisees conducting ongoing surveillance in an attempt to expose Jesus for violating Jewish laws.
Jesus authoritatively orders the man to stand up before everyone and angrily asks an ironic question: "Is it lawful on the Sabbath day to do good or harm? To save a life or to kill?" The spirit of the law should always be love.
His critics are silent. (v.4). Jesus judges their hearts to be "hard."
They keep silent, waiting for a more appropriate time to entrap Jesus. Jesus has bested them in argument, so why continue to risk public debate? There's still plenty of time to wait for the opportunity to conspire now with the Herodians to expose Jesus.
Jesus glares around at the Pharisees and is sad because of their hard hearts (verse 5). He asserts his authority by noting how we can pervert so noble a tradition as Sabbath-keeping.
In 12-step work, we would also suspect that Jesus might suggest to his critics, "Clean up your side of the street." The religious authorities see all the problems with everyone else. If only others would listen to them and behave as they think they should. Their hearts are hardened, so they are unaware of looking inside themselves to see and hear that they may be mistaken. They have become worshippers of the law rather than God.
On another occasion, Jesus tells those who criticize and judge the immorality of others, "Better pull that log out of your eye before you attempt to remove the speck in your neighbor's eye."
Finally, if we look at this story through Easter eyes, all that now remains is the resurrection and the story of one who heals and turns his life and will over to the care of God, who continues to heal each of us/ against all odds/ and sets us free/ tonight.3
1William Willimon, Pulpit Resource, April, May, June 2024.
2 Dean Kate Moorehead Carroll, Morning Devotion, May 24, 2024.
3Tom Long, Christian Century, June 3, Ordinary Time (Mark 2:23-3:6), May 9, 2018.
Joanna Seibert joannaseibert.com