Charleston: Changed Again
“I have been changed. I am not the same person I was before. Over time, over many experiences, good and bad, I have grown in understanding, awareness and compassion. I have found a deeper sense of peace. I have come to appreciate the importance of love.” Bishop Steven Charleston, Daily Facebook Message
I know I am called to articulate my truth as best I can, but then I know I must let it go. I try to turn the situation over, to give up the bone. This is hard because the life approach I have been taught has been like a dog with a bone about issues I have been passionate about. Never the less, I still admire people who are like that faithful Border Collie with a bone about issues I believe in, but I also know the cost to my own body, and mind, and soul. There is often no peace. The arteries tighten up. When I lose, I think I must try harder. When I win, I am empowered to keep doing it better.
This is my change. I no longer see life as win or lose. I have a part. I am to step out of my comfort zone and speak out and try to make a difference. More and more I know that for every cross there is a resurrection. God brings about the resurrection, rolls away the stone. My job is to keep looking for every possible sign of the resurrection.
I do have set backs in giving up this control, thinking I am in charge of the resurrection, but stark situations where I see where I am not in charge, bring me back to the truth over and over again. Believing that I have control of situations in my life and in the world involving others is fake news, a fantasy, but there is this sweet voice that whispers in my ear that keeps telling me I have such good ideas and I need to be a strong woman and get my agenda done.
Trying to be connected to something greater than myself is teaching me that a strong woman may be one who pauses and perhaps prays before I speak, do the best I can, and then give up the results to God, who may have a better view of the situation than I do.
Amazing. Is it possible that there may be a better plan than mine!