McCann: And Do not Grieve the Holy Spirit of God
Guest Writer: Sandy McCann
“I act better with my collar on.”
The Very Reverend Harry H. Pritchett, Jr. (Virginia Seminary, February 2003)
My husband and I served as missionaries of The Episcopal Church for twelve years in Africa, primarily in Tanzania where there are well over one hundred different ethnic groups. Many of these groups place special markings on the body, particularly the face, to permanently identify the child as one of their own. Their ancestry is literally sealed into their flesh. Whatever they do from that day forward, whether for good or for evil, is a reflection on the entire community.
At baptism Christians are sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked as Christ’s own forever. In some traditions, the minister will use holy oil to make the sign of the cross on the forehead of the newly baptized. This ritual is often repeated when one is sick and prayers and anointing with holy oil are done.
I have often pondered if we would grieve the Holy Spirit less if the sign of the cross were indelibly marked on our foreheads. Would we be more kind to one another, more tenderhearted, more forgiving? (Ephesians 4.30-32.)
Sandy McCann