From Unceasing Thinking to Unceasing Praying
"Our minds are always active…Do we have to become victims of our unceasing thoughts? No, we can convert our unceasing thinking into unceasing prayer by making our inner monologue into a continuing dialogue with our God, who is the source of all love.” Henri Nouwen, Henri Nouwen Society, Daily Meditations
Of course, the book we first often study about unceasing prayer is in reading Practicing the Presence of God, the very small collection of teachings and experiences of Brother Lawrence, a 17th century French Carmelite monk who was the cook for his community in Paris. The book is compiled by Father Joseph Beaufort from letters and four conversations with Brother Lawrence as he described his walk with God not from the head but through his heart. He saw God in every aspect, in every second of his life as he washed pots and pans, purchased wine, cooked the meals, continually conversing with God, not being weary of doing small things for the love of God, believing that times of prayer should not be different from other times, seeing God as a friend he would not want to leave alone, feeling God’s presence more in sickness than in good health.
My favorite more recent mentor for continually being in conversation with God is Tevye in the 1971 American dramatic musical, Fiddler on the Roof.