Buechner, Ignatius: News of the Day

“When the evening news comes on, hundreds of thousands of people all over the earth are watching it on their TV screens. There is also the news that rarely gets into the media, and that is the news of each particular day of each particular one of us. Maybe there’s nothing on earth more important for us to do than sit down every evening and think it over, try to figure it out, at least try to come to terms with it. The news of our day. It is, if nothing else, a way of saying our prayers.” —Frederick Buechner.



Buechner here challenges us to spend even a fraction of the time that we spend listening to the world news of the day, dealing with the news in our own life. In fact, 12-step groups, short courses in Christianity such as Cursillo, and Ignatian spirituality all suggest methods for reviewing the day, giving thanks, making gratitude lists, thinking back to when we encountered God, when we did harm, asking for forgiveness, planning to make amends, and in essence turning our life and our will over to God one more time each evening. Those in recovery call it the 10th step. St. Ignatius calls it the Examen.

Buechner reminds us that we should consider all of these exercises as prayer. It is our news of the day for God, nighttime news, nighttime prayers. In time, answers will come as to how we are to respond to the world news of the day.

Joanna . joannaseibert.com

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Book Signing Wordsworth Books

Saturday, November 2, 2019 1 to 3 pm

Just in time for the holidays

A Spiritual Rx for Advent Christmas, and Epiphany

The Sequel to A Spiritual Rx for Lent and Easter

Both are $18. Money from sale of the books goes to Camp Mitchel Camp and Conference Center in Arkansas or Hurricane Relief in

The Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast