
“The only choice we have as we mature is how to inhabit our vulnerability ... ” —David Whyte.

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Vulnerability. Poet David Whyte gives us one word to take with us today. Vulnerability, however, does not live alone, but resides in a word community.

Intimacy. Another word that lives with vulnerability. We allow someone whom we trust to see and hear our inner thoughts and concerns, our highs and lows.

Humility is also a close family member of this word community. We don’t think of ourselves as any better than someone else.

Humanness whispers in the ear of vulnerability. We are to take off our mask of “perfection.” We are to admit our mistakes to others promptly and to learn from them.

Forgiveness must also be a beloved companion of

vulnerability. We are to ask for forgiveness when we have wronged others, and be ready to forgive ourselves for our own mistakes.

Vulnerability, intimacy, humility, humanness, forgiveness are five construction workers in a family business that are crucial for the building of our own Habitat for Humanity.


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Book Sale and Signing at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

Between 8 and 10:30 services and after 10:30 service

November 24th

We will be studying A Spiritual Rx for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany during the forum at 9:15 am during Sundays in December

A Spiritual Rx for Advent Christmas, and Epiphany

The Sequel to A Spiritual Rx for Lent and Easter

Both are $18. All Money from book sales goes to Camp Mitchell