Feeding, Being Fed

“The question of bread for myself is a material question, but the question of bread for my neighbor is a spiritual question.”

—Nikolai Berdyaev.

Dan Gold   unsplash

Dan Gold unsplash

Certainly Jesus gives us continued examples of his feeding thousands as well as going to eat at the home of others, often with the most despised such as Zacchaeus and Matthew, tax collectors. Jesus, a role model in this, feeds others and lets others feed him. For Christians, Jesus leaves us with another meal, the Eucharist of bread and wine, a sacrament reminding us of his care and bringing his presence to us.

When I am having difficulty with someone, I imagine us together at the altar rail, kneeling if possible, to receive the bread and the wine of the Eucharist. Jesus is with us. After kneeling together, I see the person in a different light. Sometimes I can see the Christ within him or her.

I have given up trying to understand why eating a meal with someone else can help us to develop a relationship faster than spending hours talking to that person. As we are being fed, we see the person more clearly. Often we can carry on a deeper conversation when food is present. It is almost as if the food is a natural ice breaker.

I remember when, in my medical practice, I worked with nine other physicians. Each of them had different gifts and were advocates for different parts of our practice. Each person wanted his or her area to be funded and fully staffed.

One day we decided to have lunch together once a week to try to work through difficult issues. The situation changed almost overnight. We began to see each other’s needs as they related to our many areas of interest. We began to prioritize what was really most important for the patients we were caring for, instead of focusing on our own needs. Some of us even became lifelong friends!

Joanna joannaseibert.com

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Release party!!!!!!!!!!!

Come and get a signed copy of the new book

Just in time for the holidays

A Spiritual Rx for Advent Christmas, and Epiphany

The Sequel to A Spiritual Rx for Lent and Easter

Both are $18

All Money from sale of the books goes either to Camp Mitchel Camp and Conference Center in Arkansas or Hurricane Relief in the Diocese of Central Gulf Coast

Seibert’s, 27 River Ridge Road, Little Rock, Arkansas 72227

10 to noon, Saturday September 14, 2019

RSVP joannaseibert@me.com