Trees as Healers and Keeper of Secrets

Charleston: Trees as Healers and the Keepers of Secrets

“My great grandfather told me this long ago and I never forgot it: trees are the keepers of secrets. The Creator gave them this honor because they are infinitely patient and trustworthy. So if you have a burden on your heart, something that has bothered you for a long time, something you wish you could finally let go, then take it to the tree. You will know the right one when you see it. It will be an old tree with many branches. Go stand beneath it and tell your story. Then when you walk away what you have said will stay there, in the safe-keeping of the old tree, and you will be burdened by it no more.”—Bishop Steven Charleston, Facebook Page, September 1, 2018.


My grandfather and my father both introduced me to the spirituality of trees. My grandfather took me on nature walks on his farm each week, along the Mattaponi River and its marshlands. My father was a forester who planted millions of trees. I still grieve to see trees cut down. I often like to imagine what secrets old trees have, as I briefly touch them, passing by them on my way to appointments.

All of our children spend much more time outdoors than I do. I don’t remember teaching them the value of this. Maybe this wisdom was passed down by my grandfather, whom they never knew, and my father, whom they barely knew. This may not be true, but I will still treasure this possibility in my imagination.

I believe that we meet God in the outdoors much easier than in most indoor places. Sitting and standing by trees reduces the tension in our bodies. Our minds slow down to a slightly lower speed. We become grounded to the earth. We begin to live in the present moment, and we meet the God of our understanding in that moment.

When we are at peace, we do not obsess about the past. We may remember our mistakes, but we have the desire to move on, seeking to learn from them. We surrender to the experience, and for a few seconds stop worrying about the future. For a brief moment, we become the person God created us to be.

We know from biology class that trees save our lives by changing our carbon dioxide waste into life-giving oxygen that enables us to breathe again. Trees also save our lives mentally and spiritually by standing as a constant reminder of a God who has provided for us beauty beyond our imagination.

Outside my window is a canopy of trees that have become like old friends. The sun is almost up. I will wait until sunrise and look out so I can see them in all their glory before beginning this day.

I give thanks for all who have led me outdoors to the trees. Perhaps we can all do the same today for someone else.
