We Are Called to Change the World With Love

Change the World with Love

“Jesus had a once in a lifetime opportunity to change the history of the world, and he took it by deciding that Gentiles could be full members of the Church. Every so often we have an opportunity to change our personal story by making this decision or that. Occasionally we even have a chance to shape the history of the nation and the world. What decision is God inviting you to make at this stage in your life that will shake up your world?”—Br. James Koester.

Society of Saint John the Evangelist


I do so earnestly believe this. Each of us has an opportunity to change the world every day, every hour. We have a choice to bring love or hatred into this world every day. I know from experience that those who bring hate have been wounded, some drastically more than others. Booker Washington reminded us not to be dragged so low that we learn to hate in return.

I know that those who bring love have met others who shared love and have learned from them and are changed by them. This is our ministry every day to bring love, to bring love and kindness to everyone we touch and see and hear. This is what I wish to leave for my children and grandchildren. I want them to know they are loved.

This is what I want for this country that we so dearly love. I want the people of this country to know they are being guided by people who truly care about them.

Bishop Curry reminds us in his new book, Love is the Way, that love is a verb. It is action. Love wants the best for the other person. It is working for the well-being of someone other than ourselves. We learn about it by seeing it in action in others who love. We learn to imitate it. CS Lewis teaches us we are to “act as if.” Recovery people tell us “we fake it until we make it.” Slowly, love becomes part of our being. We also know that God is the one who changes us. Our job is to put ourselves in position for this change.

So, during this election time, this is our decision. Do we vote for those who lead with hatred and division, or do we vote for people who lead with love? This is the same decision we make every day. Do we vote for love or hatred in our lives?

Love never dies. This is what we take with us when we die. It is the only thing we leave on this earth. This is our choice. Is our gift to the universe hatred or love?

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