Night Time Prayers
“It is bad enough to cope with illness or worry during the day, but at night the hurts just seem to intensify as the darkness grows. Which is why I am inviting everyone to join me in the practice of vespers. Monks and nuns from many traditions keep regular hours of prayer. They sanctify day and night. Vespers is an evening prayer, a time to make the darkening hours holy. As night comes, let us pray for all those who will need help getting through it. Let our vesper prayer be a light for them to see.”
—Steven Charleston, Facebook Page, September 25, 2018.
Serendipity can become a sign for us to listen more intently about what is going on in our lives. Over a year ago I have received a call to keep Evening Prayer from many voices. They gradually got my attention. Morning Prayer has been more of a routine most of my life; but I rarely remember to say evening prayers until I am almost asleep, and they may consist of a brief review of the day with a few sprinkles of gratitude thrown in for good measure.
Before the pandemic, the rector of our church, Danny Schieffler, asked our new Daughters of the King chapter to be more present at Evening Prayer on weekdays at our church. Our Community of Hope Retreat leader, Brother Michael Gallagher, OSB, almost the next day reminded us to keep regular evening prayers as well as morning prayers. Our church hosted a program by Tom Elliott on the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius. The next day he talked about the evening examen, and how important it is in following this tradition. The next morning, I hear from Bishop Steven Charleston about nighttime prayers for all who need to be reminded of the presence and love of God when the world becomes dark.
My favorite evening prayers before bedtime are in the Order of Compline {The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) p. 127}. Many years ago, friends came to our house, or we went to theirs, to say this brief service together. How did we fit that time into our day? Were we less busy then, or more intentional?
My experience is that night can be more frightening for those who are alone and those in any kind of pain. The stimuli of the day, that keep us living our lives outwardly, lessen as darkness silently creeps in. At evening we feel the pull of the less familiar inward life. We do not know our paths on the inner life well and can be frightened; but by saying night prayers with others regularly, we can remind ourselves of Love’s continued presence with us and within us.
During this pandemic my husband and I are saying Compline using the 12 steps of recovery on Wednesday nights at 8 p m on St. Mark’s Little Rock Facebook Page.
“Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for your love’s sake.”—BCP, p. 134.