McQuiston: Always We Begin Again

McQuiston: Always We Begin Again

“The first rule is simply this:

live this life

and do whatever is done,

in a spirit of Thanksgiving.”

—John McQuiston in Always We Begin Again: The Benedictine Way of Living (Morehouse, 2011).

always we begin again.jpg

I buy copies of this book in bulk to give to people who come to me for spiritual direction. My own copy is falling apart. It is pocket sized, so I can carry it around with me throughout the day and leave it by my bed at night. McQuiston is a Memphis lawyer who has shaped and paraphrased The Rule of Benedict into modern language. Its simplicity is its beauty.

McQuiston’s story of how he was introduced to The Rule of Benedict is a reminder of how we are constantly cared for by God. At his father’s funeral, a priest friend of the family gave him Esther de Waal’s book, Living with Contradictions: Reflections on the Rule of St. Benedict. This led him to Canterbury Cathedral and a Benedictine experience—and a major change in how he lived.

McQuiston distills a rule of life written for monks living in community in the sixth century to an essential essence. His book is a wonderful help to those of us in today’s world who do not live in a monastery, showing us how to find a balanced routine in the midst of our busy schedules. I need to carry the book with me because I constantly forget and get pulled off center and disconnected. I try to read the chapter on humility every day, for “I have such great ideas.” My rule of life changes more often than I would like; but McQuiston keeps reminding me how necessary it is to honor a rule, to stay connected to God and my community, to stay thankful.

A revelation for me in reading McQuiston’s book has been how many principles of the Rule are incorporated into the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. When two disciplines speak a truth, I try to take notice and realize this is indeed wisdom. The book also includes some meditative material and a sample rule of life. Try it. It can be our gift to each other.

Learning from the Rule of Benedict can be a lifesaver during this pandemic.
