Rule of Life
“The Rule of Benedict is concerned with life: what it’s about, what it demands, how to love it. And it has not failed a single generation.”—Joan Chittister in The Rule of Benedict: A Spirituality for the 21st Century (Crossroad, 2010), p. 2.
Brother Michael Gallagher, OSB, spoke at a weekend’s Community of Hope Retreat about evaluating our Benedictine Rule of Life. He asked us to consider what was the good news our religion talks about. He believes the good news is that we are one with God. God has loved us into life. God constantly calls us to maintain that connection. So how do we keep it?
Michael then asked us to carry a pad to write down everything we did hourly for one week. That sounded like a daunting task. But, at the very least, we would get some ideas of where we spent our energy; how well and when we were eating; how often we listened to the news; how much time we spent with family; and how much work we were required to do at home. This assignment reminded me of looking at our checkbook or credit card report to discover where we spend our energy and money.
Next, he recommended we put on our calendar for each day a time for morning prayers. The time spent and the type of prayer were not as important as doing it at the same time each day. Then he asked us to schedule a time for evening prayers—again, the same time each day. Lastly, he wanted us to write in a regular time when to eat our meals each day. I am beginning to get his message. God calls us to faithfulness. If we attempt to invite God to be part of a regular rhythm in our lives, we will find that God connection.
Michael promises us we do not have to worry about what we do between the meals and prayers. God fills in the blanks: we will be led, primarily through the interruptions in our lives. Michael made one suggestion regarding prayer. We should always include prayers of gratitude. My experience is that gratitude is the holy stickiness that can hold our life together. Well, now we are called to more adventure, a fresh look at our rule of life. More will be revealed.