Christmas Pageants

Christmas Pageants

“God sees you not unlike we see a child in a Christmas play. No matter how well the child acts, whether or not the child remembers their lines, picks up the cues, or drops the props, we’re full of delight, compassion, encouragement, and gratitude for how well the child does. We are all children of God. And God adores us.”—Br. Curtis Almquist, Society of Saint John the Evangelist

I love Christmas pageants. I love seeing the tiny faces behind bathrobes and halos, blue scarves, crowns, and towels as they carry jeweled gifts, sheep and other stuffed animals, stars, shepherd’s crooks from canes, and drums, flowers, tambourines, magic wands, and of course a new baby. They have marvelous lines, “Glory to God, Do not fear, Nothing is impossible with God, Yes, Come and See, No room in the inn, For unto you, Christ is born, All is calm, We saw his star, Peace on Earth.”

Frantic directors have no idea what will happen. Nervous parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends conceal illegal flash cameras needed for the darkness at most events to document each starring role. Soloists are abundant. Some of the best male singers know their voice is changing and could crack at any minute. The tiniest angels usually steal the production from the silent baby who never cries.  

 Remember Brother Almquist’s message and watch again a video of a Christmas pageant from a previous year during the pandemic, when we could not be at church in person.

 It is easy to see and know that God loves every one of these precious children, honoring God in this spectacle about love. God especially loves every member of this Christmas cast. God sees all of us as participants in this messy Christmas pageant that we live in daily, and God dearly loves each of us, just as God loves these children, no matter how well we remember our lines, sing our solos or keep from knocking down the scenery. 
