Encouraging Words

Charleston: We are not done yet

“We are not done yet. We may count our progress in inches. We may swim against the deep tides of greed and hate, but we are not done yet. Even if we do not live to see it all, we will be content to be the inspiration, to give all we have to free our world from fear.”—Steven Charleston, Daily Facebook Page.

Bishop Charleston gives us encouragement during difficult times when we are discouraged. This is why God constantly calls us to community. We feel we have lost our connection to God when our lights are dim. We think we have accomplished nothing. We believe we are failures. Yet, there are others in our community whose lights are on, who are more connected to God, and who can encourage and support us until we see a different picture. They are like Simon of Cyrene, briefly carrying our cross. They are like the friends of the paralytic, lifting him through the rooftop to Jesus. Then, in turn, as we heal, it will be our turn to be the encourager.

Often, people come for spiritual direction or meet with spiritual friends who have been burned out or feel their life or ministry is not accomplishing what they had hoped. Our job as spiritual friends is to show each other where God is working in our lives, and how important it is for us to continue inspiring each other, remembering that we may not see the results. But unfortunately, the results may be apparent much later, long after we have lived our lives and our names have been forgotten.

As I grow older, I more vividly remember the people, teachers, grandparents, co-workers, and friends who encouraged, supported, and never gave up on me. But unfortunately, most of them are dead, so I can only thank them by trying to pay it forward and encouraging others as they did to me.

So today, I share with you Jon Sweeney’s recent biography of Phyllis Tickle, Phyllis Tickle, A Life, where he shares how Phyllis was a major encourager for him, myself, and so many others.

Joanna  https://www.joannaseibert.com/





