Turning Each Day Over to God

Turning each day over to God

“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.”—Romans 8:26.

In a past post about this Daily Lectionary reading from Romans1, Trent Palmer reminds us how this Romans passage has changed his prayer life. He is trying to wait for the Holy Spirit to lead him in prayer, knowing that God is doing for all of us far more than we can pray for or imagine ourselves.2 I need to hear this from The Daily Lectionary, Romans, The Book of Common Prayer, and Trent each week.

My prayers, especially for others, are a way to move out of my orbit and know that something is going on more significant than my mind, my feelings, and my world. The space I live in is only a minor piece of God’s world, perhaps like a grain of sand. But still, the God who loves us so much cares deeply about us, each grain of sand, each hair of our head, and loves us beyond what we can imagine. It is comforting to know that no matter what we pray for, the Spirit is present to guide our prayers. Sometimes I try to remember this by leaving a period of silence in prayer, followed by a few sighs of my own, hoping they will catch up with the sighs of the Holy Spirit!

Friends tell God, “I turn this day over to you for your care.” I admire them. I take more than nine words to turn over my day and those I care for and pray for. That is why intercessory prayer has become so important in my life. Of course, I aim for the shorter versions, but I am praying in long division today.

1Trent Palmer, “Morning Reflection” from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Fayetteville, Arkansas, Monday, July 9, 2018.

2 “Prayer for Those We Love,” Book of Common Prayer, p. 831.

Joanna  https://www.joannaseibert.com/