A Life of Gratitude

What I learned from Dr. Taybi: A life of gratitude

“Before I ventured forth,

even while I was very young,

   I sought wisdom openly in my prayer.” Ecclesiasticus 51:13.

As I say prayers today for refugees and those trying to immigrate to our country, I find the previous note from Dr. Hooshang Taybi from 2006 that was on Daily Something yesterday. Dr. Taybi wrote the letter three weeks before he died, responding to my email about the news of his terminal illness. If you are a radiologist or pediatrician, you will remember Dr. Taybi, best known for his study of children with difficulties that become part of a syndrome. He was acclaimed professionally for his encyclopedic memory of over 100 journals he read, leading to his classic textbook, The Radiology of Syndromes. But I most remember his kindness, humbleness, and caring for others, empowering others, never too important to spend time with you.

A colleague shares a phrase from Dr. Taybi’s favorite Persian poem, “The best way to show your gratitude for having a strong arm is to extend a helping hand to the weak.”1

I see a life of a brilliant man who, close to his death, still expresses gratitude for those who helped him over 50 years before. Dr. Taybi still empowers us today by telling stories of children with illnesses, stories of how he was empowered, and gratitude for all who touched his life, even to the end. I continue to see daily the difference gratitude can make in a person’s life. So today, I will try to remember and give thanks for those who empowered me, and pray that I can pass empowerment and gratitude on to others. I also want to remember Dr. Taybi’s story of the many strangers who helped him and made a difference in his life. I hope to do this for those who come to our country, like Dr. Taybi, for a new life.

I also remember that if a travel ban had been in place for Muslim countries such as Iran, Dr. Taybi would never have come to his America. I think of all of us whose lives would not have been touched by his, especially the children and their parents, who would have missed his medical expertise.

1Ron Cohen, Charles Gooding, “Memorial Hooshang Taybi,” in AJR, 187:1382-1383, 2006.

Joanna   https://www.joannaseibert.com/