Super Bowl Comeback 2023

Super Bowl Comeback 2023

“Ask yourself what is absurd in your life right now. Then, recall that the roots of the word refer to being “deaf.” If you have stopped listening, try to begin again, first with what you love, then with what is difficult for you. Something may be trying to reach you—a voice, a destiny.”—Philip Cousineau, The Art of Pilgrimage, page 39.

Super Bowl Comeback 2023

Beginning the second half, the Kansas City Chiefs were ten down to Philadelphia. Using a wise tactic, they returned to the second half to score points whenever they had the ball.

On second down, they would try a play to see how Philadelphia would react. On third down, they repeated the play but adjusted to where they could get through the Philadelphia defense. They learned from what did not work and adjusted to a new way, sometimes only slightly different. If only we could do that in life.

I share this image sent to me from a major Kansas City fan in Missouri, Donna, whom I met in Daughters of the King.

We have a tendency to keep doing things the same way every time. Those in 12-step recovery call this insanity.

Sports do have a spiritual side for us to learn from.
