8B Healing of Jairus’ Daughter June 30, 2024, St. Mark’s, Mark 5:22-24, 35b-43
If Sunday lectionary readings followed our secular calendar, the story about Jesus, Jairus (Ji rus), and his daughter would have appeared two weeks ago for Father’s Day. Every parent who has had a severely ill child identifies with Jairus. This father risks his reputation, his social standing, his career to ask for alternative medicine for his twelve-year-old daughter. With absolute humility, this public figure,/ pillar of the community,/ frantically throws himself at Jesus’ feet, an itinerant vagabond prophet, uncredentialed rabbi,/ and begs for help for his dying child,/ a GIRL,/ one of the most marginalized members of that society. For the synagogue’s CEO, seeking help from the likes of Jesus must have caused a lot of talk. With the large crowd around Jesus, we would breathlessly follow Jairus home to see what happens next/ when a friend arrives, announcing it is all over; Jairus’ daughter is dead./ Jesus ignores this news, delivering one of his shortest sermons, “Do not fear, just believe.” Is Jesus telling Jarius, “Believe there is nothing you must be afraid of?”1
Later/ inside Jairus’ home, in an intimate moment with James, John, Peter, and the girl’s parents, Jesus takes the young child by the hand and calls her “little girl,” a name of fa/mili/al endearment. The moment makes such an impression on those present that this is only one of three times when Mark records Jesus’ exact words in Aramaic,
“Talitha cum (Tal/i/taa coom), little girl, arise.” The young Jewish girl gets up, walks about, astounding everyone. Jesus instructs the parents then to give her something to eat./ Medical historians hypothesize this suggests that Jairus’ daughter is in some hypoglycemic or low blood sugar state/ and that Jesus, the great physician, revives her from a near-death insulin-like coma. However, my image of this scene comes from contemporary art, where Jesus brings back a young maiden/ to life /who is really dead,/ really dead.
The healing of Jairus’ only daughter (Luke) is about healing when there is no hope, a miracle outside of time and space,/ a mystery not rationally understood. I do believe miraculous recoveries occur. Every day, I see Jairus’s daughter healed. In 12-step groups, young people with alcohol and drug addiction, indeed dead to life, come alive./ At Children’s Hospital, I saw critically ill little ones survive diseases that five years ago, one year ago, would have killed them; children like Alexandria, Justin, Sam miraculously recover from deadly cancers, trauma, or lethal congenital heart diseases when all hope is lost.///
But/ what about all the beautiful children not healed of their painful illnesses? What about Laura, Tara, Christopher, and nine-month-old Hallie, who lived her whole life in the neonatal intensive care unit at Children’s Hospital?/ After her death, Hallie’s mom sent me a picture album titled “Will Hallie Go Home?” (repeat)///
What about millions of people still trapped in addiction to alcohol and drugs, dying from their disease, raising havoc in lives around them? Did their loved ones not pray hard enough? Did their parents not have enough faith?
Barbara Brown Taylor2 writes the problem with miracles is that not everyone who prays for a miracle seems to get one, and some people receive them who never ask for them./
Religious people often spend time working out a formula for miracles: two parts prayer, three parts faith, one part good works. We study miracle stories to find out who did what right. We imitate their actions, hoping to become irresistible to God. But God rarely does anything the same way twice.
This miracle story is about a desperate father, Jairus, breaking every rule to save his daughter’s life. He surrenders himself to Jesus,/ and when all seems lost, he hears a voice tell him, “Do not fear; only believe.” Could this be the formula? If you have enough faith, things will turn out all right. It seems to work for Jairus. His daughter is saved. The kingdom breaks through in that bedroom, and all the angels sing “Alleluia.”/
But more times than we remember, we observe a different scene where parents do not experience the obvious miracle,/ and one of the meanest things religious people say is: “Your child was not healed because you lacked enough faith.” Sometimes, well-intentioned church people get mixed up about what causes miracles. They think miracles work like the strength tests at state fairs, those giant thermometers with a red bell at the top. We win the prize if we are strong enough to hit the thing with a sledgehammer and ring the bell.
In other words, people believe miracles are something we control. If our child is not recovering, it is our fault. We must try harder. Pump up our faith and ring the bell. Impress God with the power of our belief and claim our miracle. Only this is idolatry. This is one more example of our egocentric attempts to manipulate the world, thinking we are in charge of our lives instead of owning up to the truth that every single breath we take is a free gift from God. Concentrating on the strength of our own beliefs means practicing magic. Concentrating on the strength of God, turning our lives over to the care/ of our loving God, and trusting the RESULTS to God/ is practicing faith. This is the difference between believing that our lives are in our own hands/ and believing they are in God’s hands.//
“Do not fear, only believe.” Frederick Buechner3 defines believing as a journey rather than a position,/ and a relationship rather than a realization. (repeat) /This is what Jairus did, what Hallie’s mother did. They went on a journey with Jesus and stayed in relationship with him./
Consider what happened to Hallie’s mom’s prayers when Hallie died. Prayers change us in more ways than what we pray for. Miracles do occur, but they may not be what we expected. Hallie’s mom practiced seeing miracles by being alert and tuning in to the daily miracles in her everyday life with Hallie. Miracles are all around us if we only have eyes to see. Consider how God opens our hearts and minds when we pray for others. We step out of our egocentric world into a universe larger than ourselves.
At our five o’clock service, I sit behind my harp and experience the power of a Spirit-filled synthesis of corporate and individual intercessory prayers. Men and women light candles as they offer prayers silently for themselves and others./ The light from many candles soon brings brighter light to the church’s darkened nave. The scene is an icon teaching us what happens when we pray. Prayers germinate from the darkened nave and are born to transform the world’s darkness/ into light. These silent prayers transported by candlelight change the appearance of the church, the pray-ers, and indeed, they change me. //
Remember Jesus also had a personal relationship with prayer, fear, faith, and miracles. Jesus prayed for a miracle on the night before he died. “For you, all things are possible.” He prayed to his Abba. “Remove this cup from me.” Only when he opens his eyes, the cup is still there. Does Jesus lack faith? I do not think so. The miracle is that he drinks the cup, believing in the power of God more than he believes in his own. This is the miracle when we turn our life and will over to God’s loving care.
Similar/ly, Jairus turns the situation over to Jesus, follows Jesus home, and watches the holy man do his work. Perhaps the turning point in the story is not at the healing, but earlier, after Jesus gives his sermon, “Do not fear, only believe.” If Jairus does that, he will survive whatever happens next,/ even if Jesus had walked into his daughter’s room, as Jesus does for Hallie/ one stormy night/ when Jesus says prayers with her mother, gently closes Hallie’s eyes with his fingertips,/ and tenderly places Hallie in his own loving arms/ and takes Hallie home./// At this point, Jairus’ faith, Hallie’s mother’s faith, is the miracle, their willingness to believe that their daughters are STILL/ in God’s loving hands/ even if/ they have slipped/ out of theirs./
1Frederick Buechner in Secrets in the Dark (HarperSanfrancisco 1973), pp.272-278.
2Barbara Brown Taylor in “The Problem with Miracles,” Bread of Angels (Cowley 1997), pp. 136-140.
3Frederick Buechner in Whistling in the Dark, p. 21.
Barbara Brown Taylor in “One Step at a Time,” The Preaching Life (Cowley 1993), pp. 89-94.
Joanna Seibert. joannaseibert.com