Circle of Days, A Church Year Primer: Year C

Circle of Days, A Church Year Primer: Year C

—Paula Franck and Isabel Anders ( Circle of Days Publishing 2021).

“Open my eyes, that I may see Wondrous things from Your word.”—Psalm 119:18.

Last year, Paula Franck was a guest writer talking about her new book, Circle of Days: A Church Year Primer—Year B, which she wrote with Isabel Anders. She and Isabel worked together as editors and contributors to Synthesis Publications for more than thirty years. The regular study and writing on the Scriptures throughout the Church Year were central to their spiritual lives. So when Synthesis ceased publication, they decided to put together a book that offers theologically based reflections on the Scripture readings for the Sundays and major Holy Days of the Church Year.

They named it a primer, suggesting it an introductory book on a particular subject. Like last year, each devotional page of Circle of Days includes a summary of the Scripture readings and a question for further reflection, along with introductions to the seasons of the Church Year.

The primer is designed for anyone who desires a deeper understanding of Scripture and its meaning in their lives. Next year, Circle of Days‑Year A will complete the set of books that will soon cover all three years of the Revised Standard Lectionary—Years A, B, and C.

This year’s second book for Year C begins with Advent 1 on November 28, 2021, and is now available on Amazon in print and Kindle editions. Franck and Anders have offered this rich companion to weekly worship for individuals or study groups. In addition, this offering will make Scripture more accessible and meaningful to its readers who read and study the Scripture readings on Sundays.

 The Sunday Lectionary is used by United Methodist, Presbyterian (USA), Disciples of Christ, American Baptist, Reformed Church of American, United Reformed, The Church of England, Episcopal, Lutheran, United Church of Christ, Unitarian, and Universalist. This means you can go into each of the churches and hear the same Scripture readings on Sunday.
