Cloud of Witnesses at the Eucharist

Cloud of Witnesses at the Eucharist

“The gifts of God for the people of God.”—Holy Eucharist II, The Book of Common Prayer (Church Publishing, 1979), p. 264.

I frequently pray for two women in my spiritual direction class, Vicki and Diane, and other friends who live on the North and South Carolina coasts, where storms frequently batter their towns. My mind wanders back to Kanuga Conference Center at one graduation at the Haden Institute for Spiritual Direction. We are in the Chapel of Transfiguration. A flute is playing in the background. The eight women graduating process in and sit in chairs in front of the raised altar. They share their stories, their journey, and the work they have done while learning how to lead others to find God in their lives. They receive their certificates and plaques, and then we prepare for taking the Eucharist together around the altar above us.

“The gifts of God for the people of God.” As the bread and wine are offered, they ask each person to come up the several steps to the altar to give herself the bread and wine.

Suddenly I panic. There is no rail for the steps to this altar, as there is at St. Luke’s and St. Mark’s. Thoughtful members built the rails after I came as a deacon and realized I had difficulty with steps. I say a prayer of gratitude for the kindhearted and thoughtful people of both congregations. What will I do tonight?

I remember the ten wondrous women I had spent the past year studying spiritual direction. We have prayed together, eaten together, done spiritual direction, verbatims, and dreamwork, and most especially shared our life together.

Suddenly, my group surrounds me. They do not miss a beat. “We will all go to Communion together, not separately,” they whisper. They will all stand with me at the bottom of the stairs to the altar. Ann, the priest in our group, will offer bread, and Bridget will serve wine.

There are no words to describe what it was like to stand in the middle of that long, feminine line with my spiritual friends at the foot of the altar that seemed so far away—but instead, a human altar was moved to be in front of us. I had a glimpse of what it is like to feel Christ not only inside of me, but beside me, standing, walking with me on this journey. I felt surrounded by a cloud of witnesses.

I have shared a picture today from the following year at our own class’ graduation. I hold that group of spiritual friends in my prayers daily, and now especially Vicki on the coast of North Carolina and Diane in South Carolina as they continue to endure storms near their homes. I will never forget their kindness. I have experienced how well they care for others. I pray fervently that there are many caring for them today.
